Books are available to our members free of charge
We are very proud of our Michael Giles Memorial Library. These books represent a part of Michael Giles lifelong interest in beekeeping. It is a hugely beneficial resource to our association and we would encourage all members to make use of it, whether to browse the collection before a meeting or to take a book on loan.
The books have come to us in amazing condition a we would ask anyone who borrows a book to look after it and return it in the condition they received it.
We have been working on getting this library online so that members can browse the collection and see what titles are available. From June 1st 2022, you will now be able to browse by title and by category and if you see something of interest you will be able to reserve it. If you wish to reserve a book for collection we would ask that the reservation is made by 6.00pm of the day of our meetings. From September, the Heritage Room will be available to us at 7.30pm, directly before our meetings, and members will have an opportunity to peruse the books .This facility will be activated on 1st June, 2022 after which you will receive an email inviting you to log onto the library. Once you log on you will be able to browse the collection and reserve a title. The email will be sent to the email address that was given on your membership registration form.
We don’t have too many rules for the library, however for it to work we would ask that members observe the following.
- Please have your reservations in by 6.00pm of the evening of the monthly meeting.
- Members will be able to browse the collection and take up to two titles on loan for the period up to our next meeting.
- Members will be required to return books, in the condition they received them, to the library before the next monthly meeting.
- Over the summer months books may be borrowed and returned on the last Wednesday of the month or by arrangement with the Librarian.
ABKA Librarian.
If using a mobile device, turn it sideways to view the book list.
Ashford & District Beekeeper's Association
Michael Giles memorial Library
List of books
SI Title Authors
1 Anatomy of the Honey Bee Snodgrass, R E
2 Beekeeping Study Notes Yates, JD & BD
3 Beekeeping Study Notes - Copy2 Yates, JD & BD
4 At the hive entrance Storch, H
5 Guide to Bees and Honey Hooper, Ted
6 Honey Bee Ecology Seeley, TD
7 Nudge Nudge Hint Hint Yates, JD
8 The Introduction of Queen Bees Snelgrove, L.E.
9 Queen Rearing Snelgrove, L.E.
10 Beekeeping in Ireland - A History Watson, J.K.
11 Biology of the Honey Bee Winston, Mark L.
12 A practical Manual of Beekeeping Cramp, David
13 Beekeeping Study notes Modules 1,2,3,4 Yates, JD BD
14 Beekeeping Study notes Modules 5,6.7.8 Yates, JD BD
15 Alexanders writings on practical bee culutre Root, J.J.
16 Beekeepers handbook or 22 years experience in queen rearing Allen, Henry
17 A world without bees Benjamin,A& McCallum, B
18 Microscopy for Beekeepers Maurer, B
19 The Beekeepers Lament Nordhaus, N
20 Communication among social bees Lindauer, M
21 Killer bees Winston, M. L .
22 Africanized Honey Bees Caron, Dewey
23 Great masters of Beekeeping Brown, Ron
24 The hive and the honey bee Langstroth, L
25 Robbing the Bees Bishop, Holly
26 A year in the Bee Yard Morse, Roger
27 Control of Veroa Goodwin, M & Taylor, M
28 Elimination of American foul disease without drugs Goodwin, M
29 Verroa Still a problem in 21st Century IBRA
30 Social Wasps Edwards, R
31 Hive and the Honey Bee Dadant Publication
32 Beekeeping practical study notes Yates, JD BD
33 Beekeeping for all Warre, Abbe
34 The Asian Hornet Martin, Prof S
35 Beekeeping - a seasonal guide Brown, Ron
36 Pollen Identification for Beekeepers Sawyer, Rex
37 Bumblebees of Ireland and Great Britan Edwards,M & Jenner,M
38 Breeding super bees Taber, S
39 Scientific Queen rearing Doolittle, G M
40 Queen rearing Essentials Connor, L J
41 Bee Sex Essentials Connor, L J
42 Increase Essentials Connor, L J
43 Beekeepers guide to Beekeeping in Kenya Carroll, T
44 History of Beekeeping in Britain Fraser, H
45 Beekeeping in Turkey Kayral, G
46 Practical Queen Rearing Dublon, C & P
47 Beekeeping in South Africa Anderson,Buys & Johannsmeier
48 The State of Ireland's Bees
49 Steve Taber on Beekeeping Vol 2 Steve Taber
50 Keeping healthy Honeybees Daston & Bucknall
51 Reprinted papers on Bee Husbandry RDS
52 Beekeeping with Apis Cerana Indica Jensen, M
53 Apis through the looking glass Royle, Graham NDB
54 Beekeeping tips and topics Jaycox, Elbert R
55 The Rock Art of Honey Hunters Crane, Eva
56 Dictionary of useful and everyday plants and common names Cambridge Univ Press
57 A colour Guide to pollen loads of the honey bee Kirk, William
58 Mead. Making, Exhibiting and Judging Riches, Harry
59 The Beekeepers Pupil George, Sara
60 The Pollen loads of the honey bee Hodges, Dorothy
61 Aspects of sociality of insects Carreck, Normal L & Johnson, T W
62 Beeswax 2nd Edition Brown, Ron
63 The Beekeepers Guide Herrod Hempsal, W l
64 Queen Bee Biology, rearing and breeding Woodward, David
65 Honey bee, Biology and Beekeeping Caron, Dewey M
66 The complete keadmaker Schramm, Ken
67 Honey Bees of Borneo Koeniger,N , Koeniger,G & Tingek,S
68 The Dancing Bees Von Frisch, Karl
69 Following the Bloom, Across America with Migratory Bee Whynott, Douglas
70 Medical Aspects of Beekeeping Riches, Harry
71 Ex Africa Brown, Ron
72 Honey bees. A guide to management Brown, Ron
73 Reflections on Beekeeping Robson, W S
74 The Beehouse Book Mann, Paul
75 Queen breeding and genetics. How to get better bees Holm, Eigil
76 Pollen, The hidden sexuality of flowers Kesseler,R & Harley,
77 Beekeeping Study notes for Basic, Beemaster, Premlinary. Yates, JD & Yeats, BD
78 Understanding Bee Anatomy Stell, Iam
79 Breeding Techniques and selection for Breeding of honeybee Ruttner, F
80 The Beekeepers Problem Solver Tew, J E
81 Bees of the World O'Toole,C & Raw,A
82 Plants and Beekeeping Howes, F N
83 Honeybee Democracy Seeley,T D
84 Observation Hives Webster,T & Caron,D
85 Honeybee disease indentification cards Carreck, Norman
86 The Folk Art of Slovenian Hive Fronts Jones, Richard
87 Microscopy for Beekeepers
88 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 55 No 5 Taylor & Francis
89 All Ireland Pollination Plan
90 Form and Function of the Honey Bee Goodman, Lesley
91 The Dance, Language and Orientation of Bees Von Frisch, Karl
92 ABC of Bee Culture Root, A
93 Bee Fisher Rose-Lynn
94 Beekeeping. Eckert and Shaw
95 An Holistic way in saving the honeybee Harding, John
96 A years work in an out-Apiary Doolittle, G M
97 Bee Scientist 1912- 2007 Eva Crane
98 Beeswax and Propolis for pleasure and Profit Munn, Pamila
99 Breeeding the honeybee Brother Adam
100 Beekeeping a practical Guide Patterson, Roger
101 The Red Mason Bee O'Toole, C
102 The Bee master of Warrilow Tickner Edwardes Price, B
103 Why do Bees Buzz Capaldi Evans, E & Butler, C A
104 Befriending Bumblebees Evans, E; Burns, Ian & Spivak, Marla
105 Honey by the ton Field, Oliver
106 Honey and Dust Moore Ede, Piers
107 The Beekeepers Field Guide Cramp, David
108 Breeding better bees Dews, J E & Millner, E
109 Understanding and using the Stereomicropscope Woolnough, Lewis
110 Pollen, its collection and preperation for the Microscope White, John
111 Pollen Microscopy Chapman, Norman
112 Beekeeping in Tasmania
113 Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey Brother Adam
114 Brother Adam, in search of the best strains of bees Brother Adam
115 Pheromones of social Bees Free, John B
116 Beekeeping and conserving biodiversity of honeybees
117 The Observation Hive Showler, Karl
118 Some important operations in Bee Management Johansson, TSK and MP
119 Profitable Honey Production Teagasc
120 Bees, Their vision, Chemical senses and language Von Frisch, Karl
121 Anatomy and Dissection of the HoneyBee Dade, H A
122 Beekeeping Study notes for basic and intermediate FIBKA Yates, JD & Yeats, BD
123 The Honey Bee Inside out Davis, Celia F
124 The Honey Bee Around and about Davis, Celia F
125 The Buzz about Bees Biology of a superorganism Tautz, Jurgan
126 Bee Genetics and Breeding Rinderer, T E
127 The Beekeepers Handbook 4th Ed Sammatyaro, D & Avitabile, A
128 Parasites of the Honeybee
129 Foul brood disease of honeybees, recognition and control DEFRA
130 Beekeeping Study notes Microscopy cert. 2nd edition Yates, JD & BD
131 Some alternative pathways for the hesitant queen rearer Harden, Ben
132 Queen Breeding for Amateurs Abbott, G P
133 Steve Taber on Beekeeping Volume 2 Taber, S
134 Apiary Guides Bee Craft
135 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 54 No 1 Taylor & Francis
136 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 54 No 2 Taylor & Francis
137 Having Healthy Honeybees Mc Mullan, J
138 Microscopy on a shoestring for beekeepers and naturalists Meyer, Owen
139 Parasites of the Honeybee
140 Swarming. Its control and Prevention Snelgrove, L.E.
141 Beekeeping for beginners Kigathra, K I
142 Verroa addendum & Index for Beekeeping study notes 2nd Ed Yates, JD & BD
143 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Beekeeping Morse, Roger & Hooper, Ted
144 A journal of Apicultural Research Vol 54 No 3 Taylor and Francis
145 A journal of Apicultural Research Vol 54 No 4 Taylor and Francis
146 A journal of Apicultural Research Vol 54 No 5 Taylor and Francis
147 A journal of Apicultural Research Vol 55 No. 1 Taylor and Francis
148 Honey Bee Swarms Brown, Ron
149 Look Listen and Learn at the hive Brown, Ron
150 Beautiful Queens and Honey Too Field, Brierley
151 Field notes on Queen Rearing Field, Oliver
152 Queen rearing Simplified Cook, Vince
153 A simple two queen system Brown, Ron
154 Varroa Mesh Floors DIY Plans x 2 copies
155 An introduction to Bee Houses Bates, David
156 The Verroa mite in honeybees Teagsc
157 The Morris board method of Queen Rearing Badger, Michael
158 How to keep bees without finding the Queen Mann, Paul
159 The Biology of stingless bees Velthuis, H W
160 The Social organisation of honeybees Free, John B
161 Raise your own Queens Smailes, Richard
162 Bee Breeding and Queen rearing Bibba publication
163 Honey Bee Swarms Brown, Ron
164 The dark european honey bee Ruttner, Milner and Dews
165 Beeswax, production, harvesting, processing and products Coggshall,W & Morse, R A
166 Microscopy, First steps into a secret world
167 Honey Farmer at large Field, Oliver
168 The Bee man of County Clare Turlough Butler O'Bryen Watson, James K
169 Pollen, its collection and preperation for the Microscope White, John
170 The "bad" Beekeepers Club Turnbull, Bill
171 Confessions of a "Bad" Beekeeper Turnbull, Bill
172 The New Varroa handbook x 2 copies Mobus,B & de Bruyn, Clive
173 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 47 No 1 IBRA
174 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 47 No 2 IBRA
175 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 47 No 3 IBRA
176 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 47 No 4 IBRA
177 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 48 No 1 IBRA
178 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 48 No 2 IBRA
179 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 48 No 3 IBRA
180 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 48 No 4 IBRA
181 Journal of Apicultural Research vol 49 No 1 IBRA
182 Journal of Apicultural Research vol 55 No 2 IBRA
183 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 55 No 3 IBRA
184 Journal of Apicultural Research Vol 55 no 4 IBRA
185 A simple guide to the uses of a snelgrove board Shaw, Wally
186 Survey of a thousand years of beekeeping in Russia Galton, Dorothy
187 Mating biology of honey bees Koeniger, Ellis, Connor
188 Advice for Beekeepers
189 Recycling and working beeswax with simplicity Berry, Jack
190 Managing Mininucs Honeymoon flats for Honeybee Queens Brown, Ron
191 Microscopy, First steps into a secret world
192 Pollen, its collection and preperation for the Microscope John White
193 Oilseed Rape and Bees Calder, Allan
194 The New Varroa handbook x 2 copies Mobus,B & de Bruyn, Clive
195 An introduction to Bee Houses Bates, David
196 Pollen, its collection and preperation for the Microscope White, John
197 A simple two queen system Brown, Ron
198 Varroa Mesh Floors DIY Plans x 2 copies
199 Reprinted papers on Bee Husbandry RDS
200 Look Listen and Learn at the hive Brown, Ron